EDI Vendors
The Virginia EDI Vendors is a list of the vendors that handle Virginia EDI reporting but may not include all vendors able to submit to Virginia.
Virginia does not endorse, nor recommend any one vendor over another. If you are an EDI vendor and would like to have your company's information added to this page, please send an email request to edi.support@workcomp.virginia.gov.
- Aerie - www.aerieedigroup.com
- Ebix - www.ebix.com
- HealthTech - www.htedi4.com
- Mitchell/Enlyte - www.enlyte.com
- Riskonnect - www.riskonnect.com
- Verisk (ISO) - www.verisk.com
Vendors are required to successfully coordinate/complete required testing in order to be become an EDI Vendor. Vendors that successfully complete the required testing initially will not be required to complete additional testing to submit EDI transactions on behalf of clients acquired by the vendor after testing is successfully completed.